
The Chairperson's Message

Chairperson - Tantia University

Philanthropy & doing good to mankind was our beloved Founder Dr. S.S. Tantia. He ingrained this passion to the entire Tantia group, He has been an inspirational leader & a mentor to all of us. We know that his contribution to the good of mankind, while great, is far from finished. The Tantia University remains committed " focused as it charts the path to future success.
Our Growing reputation is built on our recognized academic qualification & support for the students. We are committed to maintain high academic standards whilst preparing students to secure rewarding employment on graduation.

This view book gives a fresh perspective of Tantia University. We have attempted to capture these multi disciplinary institutes within these pages & following pages are intended to give you an overview of the vast opportunities available along with detail of institutes and our offering of Diploma programme, Under Graduate & Post Graduate courses & many sound reasons for studying with us.
Studying after 10+2 is a big decision therefore at Tantia University, We not only offer the most comprehensive range of professionally run courses, but also aim to provide the best, most fulfilling learning experience. Ours is the holistic Approach towards medical & technical Education.

We have achieved excellent employment rates and know exactly how to make those long terms ambition comes true. We are very happy to be a part of this vibrant and dynamic organization. Our aim is not to rest on the laurels already achieved but to chart a processing course of growth.
As a leadership team We understand our obligation to our students & our moral responsibility to the society. I believe that we have to power not only to academically succeed in the years ahead, but to help assure the progress & sustainability around the world.

Mrs. Sunita Tantia
Tantia University